Friday, July 30, 2010

My Bucket List

Hi All,

for most of my life I have been very obsessed with not wasting, well, my life. Some people thought that i was super nuts or super anal along the way, but in the 26 years i've had, i'm satisfied with what i've accomplished so far. to make sure that i make the most of my life to come, i started writing a bucket list. it's still in revision, mostly because there are more than 50 (anton and i decided 50 was a good number) things i want to do before i die, but until i find the right 50 things, I thought i would share my list here, because what is life other than each person's greatest masterpiece? I was tempted to list all the things that i've accomplished as part of my bucket list as something to remember when i'm not getting closer to the next fifty, but i figure the past is the past and it would just enable me to rest on my laurels for the next fifty.
so here we are:

My bucket list, take one.

1. Visit South America
2. Visit Australia
3. Visit Africa
4. Visit Antarctica
5. Learn Italian
6. Learn to play piano WELL
7. Live in Italy or Europe again
8. Be a mother
9. Be under 200 pounds
10. Learn ballroom dancing
11. Own a ball gown
12. Have a solo gallery show
13. See every U.S. state
14. Live in a historic house
15. Fly first class
16. Go whale watching
17. Get a tattoo
18. Buy a piece of designer clothing and wear it
19. See a show on Broadway
20. See Washington D.C.
21. Camp in Yellowstone National Park
22. Eat the best chocolate dessert ever (will know when i find it)
23. Wear a bikini and not look gross in it
24. Be an inspiration to someone else
25. Sip a cocktail out of a coconut on a beach
26. Learn German
27. Learn French
28. Take a cooking/pastry class
29. Try glass blowing
30. Own a boat
31. Sleep on a bed of roses
32. Volunteer somewhere
33. Walk a charity walk
34. Make an adventure book for Anton and me
35. Paint an amazing painting just for me.
36. Learn to make the perfect souffle
37. Have an amazing bath tub
38. Own a four poster bed
39. Make a perfect Thanksgiving dinner
40. Make a treasure box and bury it.
41. Throw the best theme party ever
42. Crochet a doily
43. Get a hybrid/electric car
44. Have a pool in my backyard
45. Read 1,000 books
46. Find out my place in God.
47. Be thankful everyday for what I have
48. Go on Safari
49. See the Pyramids
50. See Jerusalem

As I said before, this is a tentative final as i remember all the things i've said i want to do and pick the top 50. there's a chance i might make it a list of 100, that would not be difficult for me, but i like the idea of coming up with 50 things i want to accomplish more than anything else.

so i hope that offers some good reading material for now, i need to get my day started. anton and i are trying to figure out what to do with our weekend besides finish watching the rest of the first season of 30 rock and maybe catching "despicable me" in the theater. will try to catch up with all i have to share this weekend. Later!

heart, Elyse